

December 22, 2023

Musings ≠ weblog. The site used to be my old weblog. For a fairly long time I posted there on a daily basis. Lots of topics I wanted to write about, as I discovered Arduino’s, the whole field of “physical computing”, and then went on to produce and sell JeeNodes, JeeLinks, JeePlugs, etc. It was great fun while it lasted, but at some point I ran out of fuel.

This is not a weblog, in the sense that I no longer wish to maintain any form of continuity or direction. It’s now about taking notes so that I can read back and reflect on what I’ve been tinkering with, and on sharing my discoveries for anyone who is interested (or just endlessly surfing around). Besides, writing often helps me focus and define some sort of progress.

In other words: now that I’m retired, I just dabble and doodle in topics which interest me, and write these musings to document and retain some of it. To amuse myself, and (maybe) others.

Whatever comes out of this and gets to see the light of day can be found on SourceHut, the platform where I keep all my open source projects. You can check it out at